
On the issues that matter in Malone NY (USA)

Covid Vaccine & Nursing Home Genocide

"My patients are dying like flies!"

Picture of Calvin Luther Martin, PhD*

Calvin Luther Martin, PhD*

February 3, 2021

I have several years of graduate training in immunology/molecular biology. In the 1980s, I was enrolled in the PhD program in immunology at the Waksman Institute of Microbiology at Rutgers University. I didn’t complete the PhD in immunology because it interfered too much with my being, simultaneously, a Professor of History at Rutgers.  (My PhD is in history with a subfield in anthropology from the University of California.)

Frequently we hear of men and women in nursing homes who are dying from Covid.  Here is a heart-rending account by a nursing home Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA). 

The problem, he says, isn’t Covid, at least not now.  It’s the vaccine, for god’s sake!

Play Video

I know nothing about the young man speaking, except that he’s a hero. This takes tremendous courage to buck Big Medicine, Big Pharma, Big Media, and Big Government, and describe what he has experienced. What he has witnessed. 

I implore you to listen to the entire thing. It’s about 25 minutes long.

Somewhere in the course of his revelation, his exposé, he notes that this will undoubtedly cost him his job.  A pity, for he is precisely the sort of person who should be working with the elderly. Instead of being fired, he should be made CEO.

Whoever he is, he is now one of my heroes.  “Sir, I salute you!”

7 thoughts on “Covid Vaccine & Nursing Home Genocide”

  1. Carmel McCormack (Ireland)

    Excellent letter that includes lots of important data showing a strong correlation between increase in recent deaths and the roll-out of the Covid vaccination programme.

    ‘Open Letter from the UK Medical Freedom Alliance – Urgent warning re: Covid-19 vaccine-related deaths in the elderly and Care Homes’ 5th February 2021


  2. As a care-giver to my mom in my home, I can’t even begin to imagine the heartbreak you are experiencing when you see the needless death of an elderly person, all in the name of protecting the vulnerable.

  3. ‘501 reported deaths, 453 were from the U.S. The average age of those who died was 77, the youngest was 23. The numbers reflect the latest data available as of Jan. 29 from the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System VAERS website.’

    List of the 501 deaths post covid vaccination predominantly of the infirm elderly and the infirm in general. Note also the number of deaths amongst the young and seemingly healthy.

    ‘The average age of those who died was 76.5’ (January 22nd 2021)

    ‘Considering we’re also seeing cases in which healthy young and middle-aged individuals die within days of receiving the vaccine, it’s not inconceivable that the vaccine might have something to do with these dramatic rises in deaths among the elderly in various parts of the world.’

    ‘European health authorities are expressing concerns over a lack of safety data on AstraZeneca’s COVID19 in older patients, forcing agencies to rethink their recommendations for patients over 55 years of age.’

    ‘….anyone with an inflammatory disease like rheumatoid arthritis, Parkinson’s disease, chronic Lyme disease, anybody with an acquired immune deficiency from any pathogens and environmental toxins.

    Those are the people who will be killed, murdered, by this vaccine,…’

    ‘….others who are at high risk from these COVID-19 gene therapies include those who have gotten seasonal influenza vaccines, Blacks and Hispanics. Blacks and Hispanics are particularly at risk for antibody-dependent immune enhancement, in particular, due to genetics. Tragically, these vaccines are given to the most susceptible under the guise of racial and social justice.’

    ‘….the World Health Organization is now saying pregnant women should not get the Moderna or Pfizer vaccines due to reports of late-term miscarriages…’

  4. I’m sure he has a very interesting message, but he lost me at ten minutes with repeatedly telling me he’s a CNA and not getting to the point. I’ll hopefully hear it from someone with a different style.

    I watch the CDC figures from CHD, so I see what’s happening, but, come on Pastor !

  5. Hi Calvin, I hear you loud and clear. We become the problem if we don’t speak up. I report to police, email media/universities/fact checkers and get more or less no reply, or a Covid-19 leaflet.

    Join us on the telegram app at Lawful Dissent UK, or on Facebook.

    I can’t imagine how sad or angry you are, but the more we come together under a common goal, the quicker that will happen.

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