
On the issues that matter in Malone NY (USA)

Picture of Calvin Luther Martin, PhD

Calvin Luther Martin, PhD

The Doors

If you live in Malone you’ve doubtless seen the striking new doors on the Congregational Church.  Meet the builder.  Surprisingly young. (I’d guess he’s in his late twenties.) I figured that the art of making iconic wooden doors would be more likely found in an elderly, seasoned artisan. Someone with a gray beard.  Not in this case.

David Lacroix

David is largely self-taught.  He watched his grandfather (who raised him) and several other craftsmen. The rest came from YouTubes and websites.  A graduate of Clarkson with a business degree, he turned his back on all that to work with wood.  To work not so much with power tools, but his hands.  It’s kind of mystical.  Don’t ask him to build you a house.  Tell him you want a set of beautiful doors, and watch a grin spread over his face.

First Congregational Church

Notes on my conversation with David:

David tried to match the doors to the originals, including the width of the diagonal pieces/insets.  “On the 45° angle portion, there is one little piece that is slightly wider on one door than on the other, because this is what the original doors had. I matched everything up with the original doors. The originals did not match perfectly, either.” 

“The original doors were made of individual bead boards, not glued together. I made the new ones out of panels that were glued together to look like the originals, because I didn’t want water infiltrating them and rotting them like the originals.  Thus you will notice differences in the doors in that respect. Also, the moldings on the interior of the new doors are more elaborate than the originals, because I wanted to add something unique to the new set and I felt the more elaborate moldings would set them off nicely.”

The Franklin County Historical Society was insistent about wanting original doors. “The

originals were oak of some sort, though it was so rotted you couldn’t tell what kind of oak, plus the originals had a softwood core, like a Douglas fir.  My doors are built of solid white oak.”

The originals didn’t have dowels. They had almost nothing: they had a mortise and tenon joint at the top and bottom and the center supports were screwed in. 

“When I did the mortise and tenons to put everything together, I used dowels to hold the joints, to keep them from ever coming loose.  I was concerned that these doors are going to see sunlight a lot in the summertime. The wood can reach a temperature of 100 degrees.” 

Thus, David wanted a backup to the wood glue.  “The old doors, when you stood them up, just flopped in the wind — this is how bad they were!”

David believes the doors he replaced were original to the church.

The former doors

These are now leaning against the back of the church, next to the Steenberge driveway. Note that the metal bands were removed by David to be refurbished and re-used on his new doors. (Mouse over the photo to zoom in.)


Hardware was removed by David to be re-used on the new doors.

Notice the inner core

David's doors are solid white oak. The originals are not. The originals had a softwood core.

In the shop . . .

It took David a month and a half to complete the doors.

Ellis Automotive Body Shop

Ellis Automotive donated its services to the project. They sandblasted and painted the hardware. (Ellis does a lot of community "goodwill" like this.)

Richard Mongeon

Richard expertly repaired the failing hardware. He is a true craftsman. He made the new gates to the Franklin County fairground as well as the tender sculpture in front of Holy Family School, honoring Noemy Bettez. (Click on images for slide show.)


David put in a bid for $14,650 for the set of doors (see graph, below).  He then spent approx. $8,000 on materials (see graph).  Thus his profit was $14,650 – $8,000 = $6,650 (see graph).  Bear in mind, the job took him 1.5 months.

I am told by a credible source that the next lowest bid was $60,000. It’s not clear to me whether the $60K was for a single door or for the pair (set).  Anyhow, vastly more expensive than David’s price.

The Board of Trustees

The Congregational Church Board of Trustees sent David a letter expressing their disappointment with both the doors and David’s failure to pay Richard Mongeon for his work.  David showed me the letter.  I am not at liberty to publish it, since its contents belong to the trustees and I don’t have their permission to share it.  

I can, however, say that the letter accuses David of shoddy work.  It does not mince its words: mismatched doors, wood glue showing, wood putty hiding flaws in the wood, the use of several strips of wood in the casings where a single strip is more professional.  (I can’t speak to the matter of David not paying Richard for his work.  That part of the agreement, it seems, was verbal; I don’t see it mentioned in David’s final proposal, shown above. David tells me that he never received a signed copy of his proposal, shown above.  Presumably this is the sole document outlining the agreement between him and the church.)

All the above flaws in workmanship are, in fact, true.  To them one could add that some of the joints are neither flush nor properly sanded.

Do the flaws really matter?

"Dear trustees, do they really matter?!"

"The Natural"

I remember reading a newspaper article, long ago, about a kid who stole an airplane and flew the damn thing from one state to another. Out west, somewhere.  Not a jet; a small, private plane.  

The kid never had flying lessons.  He didn’t think he needed them; he just knew in his bones that he could pull it off.  

And he did, by golly!  Amazing, when you think about it.  He took off, flew, and landed — and broke all the rules.  

He was arrested as soon as he taxied to a stop.

If my memory serves me right, instead of being sent to jail he was sent to flight school.  If my memory is wrong, then I will say that he should have been sent to flight school — because he was a natural.  

David is a natural.  He built the doors with a minimum of formal training.  (His low bid reflected this fact.)  He loved making them, so he’s told me over and over.  In his bones he knew he could do it.  And, by golly, he did, though with flaws.  

David isn’t pretending the doors are perfect; he dreams of getting better at this art and building the remaining doors.  

To the trustees, I say, “Hey!  He’s a natural!  Let’s get him some coaching from the likes of Mike Lashomb and — whoa! — watch this young man turn into an ace!” 

7 thoughts on “The Doors”

  1. These doors look fantastic from both the street and sidewalk. They really pop! If they are a little less than pristine under close examination, they still compliment the character of the structure and its past.

    I find this to be a nice step in Malone’s revitalization. Great idea, Calvin, in supporting the up and coming craftsmen in the community. Investment pays!

  2. Thank you, Calvin, for the great article on the doors. I am extremely appreciative to the church for hiring me to build the new front doors. I was proud to be selected to build them. The doors are unique in the way they were constructed, far different than any set I have built before.

    I am by no means a master craftsman, and I am always willing to learn more about this wonderful craft. As with any handmade item, there is no such thing as perfection. I take pride in doing the best I can possibly do in any given situation.

    I appreciate your support, and I look forward to what the future brings me and my wood shop.

    Thanks again,


  3. To Pat,

    You wrote,”Why is it that people of religion seem to judge the most?” When I (and others) are placed in a box by such a general comment, further discussion loses all value.

    Mr. Lacroix was not screwed by people of religion; he was screwed by people, period. Religion had nothing to do with it.

    What if I wrote, “That’s the problem with black people or that’s the problem with females or that’s the problem with fat people”? What is the difference between my statement and your comment?

    I’m sure you are a kind and caring person and didn’t realize that “people of religion” may be offended, as would any other group.

    Those doors are beautiful by any standard.


    To David Lacroix,

    You were given a lesson for future business practices. Get a written contract as to exactly what is required and approvals along the way. At least a judge or arbitrator can resolve any conflicts. Or just tell them to go screw themselves the next time. Because, with your skills, they will need you more than you will need them. You have a gift.


    To Calvin,

    Once again you point out a problem, but are the first to also contribute to a solution. That in itself is a dying art. Most people piss and moan and offer nothing but more negativity. Thank you for leading by example. Bravo!

    Mike Fournier

  4. The doors are amazing!

    I would think a fair bid would be around 25K, so David could be paid a more fair wage. Hopefully he pays the other man!

    The Church was aware of David’s experience or lack of when they accepted the bid.

    I strongly suggest that the trustees ask David to construct the remaining doors, so they are best matched to the finished set.

    1. In response to Anne Britton:

      Thank you for your wonderful comment. I very much appreciate your kind words.

      Regarding Richard Mongeon, I twice sent him a check for the amount I bid on refinishing the metal brackets, and neither time did he cash it. He wanted over $780 to weld the hinges, when they were neither damaged or broken when I gave them to him. I am more than willing to pay him a fair amount, but cannot justify almost $800 when I didn’t agree to anything with him from day one, and I have a metal shop fully capable of sandblasting and grinding them myself, in addition to Ellis’s guys doing 99% of the work that he billed me for.

      I admit, it was my mistake not to have had an agreement on a concrete amount in writing, since I believed he was going to be paid directly from the church. Not till after the job was completed was I informed that I was expected to pay him. Regardless, in good faith I will stand by my offer to pay him the amount I bid on the grinding work: $270 for 8 hours of sandblasting and polishing.

      Even with this hiccup, the job was most enjoyable.


  5. Why is it that people of religion seem to judge the most? We are all equal in God’s eyes. No one person is better than the other.

    I am more spiritual, than religious, these days. People have to understand that everything they know today…they were taught…from their abc’s to their religion to their values.

    I believe David Lacroix did an outstanding job with what he had to work with and the knowledge he had at the time. Could he have done better? We all can, given the right opportunities.

    I was on the parish council of St. André Bessette and swore to myself every time I saw the person who nominated me for the position. I told this individual that I had worked for the government for 30 years and was sick and tired of the crap I witnessed over the years. I was told that I would like it.

    My wife was on the parish council long before me. She got out because the priest didn’t want to hear what she had to say. I was getting the same feeling that my wife experienced; yet I was told that I’m missing the point. I feared we might have to go door-to-door to ask parishioners why they weren’t attending church. I had to ask myself, “Who am I to judge them?” What makes me think I am better than someone else?

    I don’t know what the purpose of checks and balance is, if someone is going to do what they want anyway. My money is good for them, but not my input. (I used my mother’s passing for getting out of my third year…and I haven’t looked back.)

    I retired over 10 years ago and am amazed at how the ego works. I make an attempt at shutting it down every day, yet people in my life bring it back constantly. It’s a never-ending vicious cycle. Patterns repeated over and over, to the point of insanity.

    Maybe the church should have spent the $60,000. I guarantee someone would still find an excuse to complain.

  6. Joni Riggle, RN

    The doors are beautiful, handcrafted and unique, including a few imperfections that give character. PERFECTION IS SO OVERRATED.

    Thank you Calvin and Nina for offering him both emotional and financial support to pursue his dreams and support his craft. You are both so kind and generous in spirit.

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