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Why Covid vaccine mandates are pointless

Nina Pierpont, MD, PhD
Picture of Nina Pierpont, MD, PhD

Nina Pierpont, MD, PhD

September 13, 2021

Covid-19 vaccines do not keep people from catching the prevailing Delta variant and passing it to others:

Covid-19 Vaccine Mandates Are Now Pointless

Nina Pierpont, MD, PhD

September 13, 2021

Executive Summary:

  • Excellent scientific research papers published or posted in August 2021 clearly demonstrate that current vaccines do not prevent transmission of SARS-CoV-2.
  • Vaccines aim to achieve two ends:
    1. To protect the vaccinated person against the illness.
    2. To keep people from carrying the infection and transmitting it to others.
      1. If enough people are vaccinated or otherwise become immune, it is hoped that the disease will stop circulating. We call this herd immunity.
      2. On the way to herd immunity, there is an assumption that people who are immunized can form safe clusters or groups within which no one is carrying or transmitting the virus.
  • Unfortunately, this last assumption (2.b.ii) is no longer true under the new variant of SARS-CoV-2, Delta (B.1.617.2), which now accounts for essentially all cases worldwide.
  • Delta is more infectious than the Alpha strain (B.1.1.7) that prevailed in the UK from January to May 2021 (and in the US from March to June 2021), meaning that Delta is passed more readily person-to-person than the previous dominant strain.
    1. Infectiousness is a correlate of high viral load (see section 5, below).
    2. From its origin in India, Delta has soared to nearly complete domination of COVID-19 viral strains everywhere in a matter of months, because it spreads so easily and infects both vaccinated and unvaccinated people.
  • New research in multiple settings shows that Delta produces very high viral loads (meaning, the density of virus on a nasopharyngeal swab as interpreted from PCR cycle threshold numbers).
    1. Viral loads are much higher in people infected with Delta than they were in people infected with Alpha.
    2. Viral loads with Delta are equally high whether the person has been vaccinated or not.
    3. Viral load is an indicator of infectiousness. [13,14] The more virus one has in the nose and mouth, the more likely it is to be in this individual’s respiratory droplets and secretions, and to spread to others. 
  • Due to evolution of the virus itself, all the currently licensed vaccines (all based on the original Wuhan strain spike protein sequence) have lost their ability to accomplish vaccine purpose 2(b), above, “To keep people from carrying the infection and transmitting it to others.”
  • Vaccine mandates are thus stripped of their justification, since to vaccinate an individual no longer stops or even slows his ability to acquire and transmit the virus to others.
  • Under Delta, natural immunity is much more protective than vaccination. All severities of COVID-19 illness produce healthy levels of natural immunity.
Read the complete article
References cited in the article

1-Brown-et-al.-Massachusetts-festival-outbreak-Aug-2021 Brown et al. Massachusetts festival outbreak Aug 2021

2-Chau-et-al.-Vietnam-outbreak-in-hospital-staff-Aug-2021 Chau et al. Vietnam outbreak in hospital staff Aug 2021

3-Pouwels-et-al.-UK-infection-viral-load-population-study-Aug-2021 Pouwels et al. UK infection & viral load population study Aug 2021

4-Griffin-S-BMJ-comment-on-Pouwels-et-al.-Aug-2021 Griffin S BMJ comment on Pouwels et al. Aug 2021

BBC News (UK) vaccine percent 8-18-21

6-Gazit-et-al.-Isreal-natural-immunity-more-protective-Delta-Aug-2021 Gazit et al. Israel natural immunity more protective Delta Aug 2021

7-Shrestha-et-al.-Cleveland-natural-immunity-equal-Alpha-June-2021 Shrestha et al. Cleveland natural immunity equal Alpha June 2021

8-Neilsen-et-al.-Covid-disease-immune-response-Denmark-June-2021 Neilsen et al. Covid disease immune response Denmark June 2021

9-King-et-al.-Vaccine-hesitancy-study-July-2021 King et al. Vaccine hesitancy study July 2021

10-Magro-et-al.-Pathology-COVID-disease-complement-microvascular-injury-April-2020 Magro et al. Pathology COVID disease complement microvascular injury April 2020

DACE Letter Bhakdi Letter to Physicians July 2021

12-Kantarcioglu-et-al.-Oxford-AstraZeneca-vaccine-thrombosis-review-April-2021 Kantarcioglu et al. Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine thrombosis review April 2021

13-Jones-et-al.-Viral-load-infectiousness-Germany-Alpha-July-2021 Jones et al. Viral load & infectiousness Germany Alpha July 2021

14-van-Kampen-et-al.-Infectiousness-Netherlands-early-strains-Jan-2021 van Kampen et al. Infectiousness Netherlands early strains Jan 2021

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